story of tour de France chapt 3 & 4
This summer HISTOIRES FRANCAISES presents a Tour de France of some of the artisans we work with, and especially of their regions, by sharing their insider secrets at last!
Here are destinations 3 and 4, if you missed them on our social networks!
Stage 3: BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE with Châteauneuf-Val de Bargis: our partner CARRE DE TREFLES and its precious 4-leaf clovers, real grigris for good luck for life, to offer or to offer oneself without limit.
Its secrets: the discovery of Charité sur Loire, its priory church, its sweetness and its banks of the Loire.
Stage 4 : BRITTANY with Chateaubourg: our partner MAILOU TRADITION and its adorable plush French Bears with incomparable softness and guaranteed for life !
Its secrets: Chateaubourg, the city of sculptors and its Ar Milin park, or go and recharge your batteries at the old well in Champeaux.