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Article: story of national day

bouquet de fleur tricolore Bleu blanc rouge, 100% français et écoresponsable HISTOIRES FRANCAISES

story of national day

July 14 has been declared a National Holiday since July 6, 1880. Although July 14th is generally associated with the storming of the Bastille in 1789, it is in fact July 14th 1790, the Feast of the Federation, which has been officially commemorated in France for over a century.

Whether one thinks of July 14, 1789 or July 14, 1790, the date of July 14 marks the Republic's adherence to the Rights of Man and the rejection of all despotisms.

As far as firemen's balls are concerned, on the other hand, it all began in the Montmartre district of Paris in the 1930s. After returning from a military parade, a fireman had the idea of opening the doors of his fire station to the public. It was so successful that the initiative was quickly taken up all over France. From demonstration to gym exercise, the galvanized visitors quickly started to drink and dance!

We wish you a very pleasant 14th of July!

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